Our children have been using the eggs from the kitchen to protect our plants from slugs and snails.
"the snails don't like them cause they prickle their bodies"
Fin keeps up with the watering using his own initiative!
Amy and her family kindly donated us some sunflower seeds which she carefully planted, sharing with her friend Sadie-J.
The discovery of some Ants in our garden lead Cole on a grand investigation. It all began when he asked "do we like Ants in our garden Anita?"
After explaining to Cole that Ants can bring the eggs of another bug called Aphids (which we don't like in our garden as they eat our plants) we went and investigated more using the great technology which we have available to us; seeing what else we could find out about Aphids on the iPad.
"The ants bring the Aphid eggs into our garden Cole" - Anita
"Do the Aphids live in eggs" - Cole
"They hatch out of eggs just like chickens when they are little, and then they eat our plants"-Anita
"The ants farm the Aphids for the honeydew they make, a bit like we farm cows for milk"- Anita
"They turn into cows?" - Cole
We went on to learn a bit more about the Ants 'farming' the Aphids, and also learnt that the Ladybugs "they eat the Aphids ah?" - Cole.
"I get the Aphids in my 'tainer (container)" then lead to a great big Aphid hunt which fortunately for our garden was unsuccessful.